Using Row Cover in Your Schoolyard Garden: Protect Your Veggies from Dropping Temperatures!

Since schools plant their fall gardens somewhat late in the season due to the school calendar, some vegetables need a little protection from frost as winter approaches! Keep an eye on the weather. As you notice temperatures dropping this fall, install row cover over your veggies so that they last a little bit longer. Row […]

How to Prevent Cabbage Loopers in your Schoolyard Garden

While out exploring in the garden with preschoolers from Learn A Lot in Raytown, Mo., we noticed green caterpillars on our broccoli plants! These small green caterpillars are called cabbage loopers. They enjoy eating greens in the brassica family (kale, cabbage, collards, broccoli, etc.). Cabbage loopers are especially pesky during the fall gardening season. After […]