Asparagus, Leeks, Onions, Potatoes, & Shallots
Onions, leeks, and potatoes are available for in-store purchase beginning at the dates listed below.
Sweet potatoes can be pre-ordered online between March 25th and April 26th. The online order form link will be available on this page between those dates.
PLEASE NOTE - Limits for seed potatoes are 20 lbs total, 10 lbs total for onion sets, 3 bundles for onions plants, and 2 bundles for leeks.
Available March 20th (Green & Yellow Cards) & March 21st (All Cards)
Member pricing per bundle of 5 TBD:
Pricing will be market rate.
Limit is 5 bundles

A male variety that is adaptable to most garden sites. Productive once established. Millennium is a newer variety that replaces Jersey Knight that is no longer available for sale. Limit - 5 bundles.
Available March 17th
Member pricing per bundle of 25:
Price TBD based on market rates.
Limit 2 bundles

75 days - White bottoms with blue/green upright top. Long 12 – 14” shafts, look great and have excellent flavor. Leeks are not day length sensitive if you keep blanching them (throwing dirt up the stem). Leeks are great for soups, salads and roasting.
Available March 17th
Member pricing per bundle of 60:
Price TBD based on market rates.
Limit 3 bundles

90 days - Successfully grown in any area. Unique, sweet and mild flavor, early maturity, jumbo bulb size. Stores 3 months. (hybrid)

100 days - Sweet at harvest becomes more pungent during storage. Stores 4-6 months. (hybrid)

100 days - Earlier, milder, sweeter, larger, and more widely adapted than other white onions. Easiest variety to grow for large onions. (hybrid)
Available March 3rd
(Prices may change based on market rates.)
Per 5 lb. bag:
Green - $3.00 Yellow - $4.00 Orange - $5.00 Blue - $6.00
Purple Majesty:
Green - $5.00 Yellow - $6.25 Orange - $7.50 Blue - $8.75
Limit 10 lbs total

Medium to late maturing white potato with smooth tan skin. Medium sized potato stores well.

Norkotah Potatoes are currently unavailable.
Russet potato with early to medium maturity. White flesh with tan skin.

Early maturing purple skinned potato with purple flesh. Smaller in size and slightly nutty flavor. Stores well.

Early maturing potato with red skin and white flesh. Smaller in size and great for boiling and potato salad.

Medium maturing potato with golden tan skin and yellow flesh.
Order from March 25th through April 26th.
To order online, click the button below.
Orders must be pre-paid
this year.
You will be notified via email or phone when sweet potatoes are ready for pickup in mid-May.
Member pricing per dozen:
Green - $3.00, Yellow - $4.00, Orange - $5.00. Blue - $6.00

90-100 days - Deep-orange flesh that keeps well in storage. It seems to have fewer problems with white grubs than some varieties and also resists cracking. Make sure that plants get plenty of sun to develop the maximum flavor and sweetness. Resistant to fusarium wilt and soil rot.
Available March 18th
Member pricing per bundle of 25:
Green - $2.50, Yellow - $3.00, Orange - $3.50, Blue - $4.00
Limit 2 bundles

110-120 days - Rust colored red skin and light pink flesh with bulbs measuring up to 3”. Add shallots to any dish for great flavor! Stores for 7-8 months.