Fruit Trees & Berry Plants

Online fruit tree orders will be available for KCCG Members on February 3rd - March 7th. Berry Bushes will be available at our Cool Season Plant Sale on beginning March 20th for Green & Yellow Cards and March 21st for all Cards.

Fruit Pricing

Strawberry Plants
(Limit - 10 bundles)

Green Card = $2.50/bundle of 10
Yellow Card = $3.50/bundle of 10
Orange Card = $4.50/bundle of 10
Blue Card = $5.00/bundle of 10

Blackberry Plants
(Limit - 10 plants)

Green Card = $3.50/plant
Yellow Card = $4.00/plant
Orange Card = $4.50/plant
Blue Card = $5.00/plant

Raspberry Plants
Limit - 10 plants)

Green Card = $2.50/plant
Yellow Card = $3.00/plant
Orange Card = $3.50/plant
Blue Card = $4.00/plant

All Fruit Trees - Includes Apple, Cherry, Jujube, Peach, and Pear

Green Card = $25.00/each
Yellow Card = $35.00/each
Orange Card = $45.00/each
Blue Card = $55.00/each

Online Ordering Information

• To order fruit trees, you must be a member and complete a Tree Order Form online at or visit our office beginning February 3rd.

• All fruit tree orders must be paid at the time the order is submitted. You may also come into our office and pay via cash, check or credit card. No phone orders, and no mail in orders.

• Order your trees soon, varieties sell out quickly. Limit 6 trees total with no more than 2 of one variety.

• Orders will be available for pick-up March 20th-22nd during our spring plant sale. ORDERS MUST BE PICKED UP NO LATER THAN MARCH 22nd.

• All fruit plants need to be planted as soon as possible to get acclimated to your site.

• All plants are bare-root, 4-6’ tall, ranging from 3/8-3/4” caliper.

• If you are a Community Partner Garden, Schoolyard Garden, or Giving Grove, please contact your program to place an order.

Order Deadline: Fruit Tree Orders are due by March 7, 2025.

Warranty: If your trees or berries do not break dormancy or die shortly after breaking dormancy (prior to July 1st), through no fault of your own* we will replace it free of charge. *This warranty does not include over-watering, under-watering, mechanical damage, animal damage, or herbicide damage.



June bearer - Cavendish produces high yields of large, firm, bright red berries with outstanding flavor. June bearing.Plants are disease resistant and hardy. Actually ripens in mid May. Sold in bundles of 10, limt 10 bundles.


Large berries have excellent flavor. Plants are upright, vigorous and hardy. The earliest blackberry that ripens in mid June to early July. Needs well-drained soil. Limit 10 Plants.


Starts bearing in August and continues until frost. Very productive and hardy with good flavor and berry size. Easy to grow and easy to prune. Needs well drained soil.



Trees need another variety (pollinizer) to ensure pollination.


(Mid-late season flowering) On M.7 semi-dwarf rootstock 12-15’ - The BEST early season apple, ripening from early to mid July. Fruits ripen golden sometimes with a pink blush and are crisp and tart with a mild sweetness. Tree is a heavy bearer, and will need early thinning. Tree is immune to apple scab, has good resistance to cedar apple rust, and has some resistance to powdery mildew and fire-blight.


Early-mid season flowering - On M.7 semi-dwarf rootstock 12-15’ - Liberty is very similar to appearance to McIntosh, but its flavor is a bit more tart and its flesh is crisper. It has a wonderful flavor all its own. It is a good dependable choice because it is highly productive, an excellent pollinizer, keeps well and is resistant to all the major apple diseases.  It ripens early September.


Mid-late season flowering - On M.7 semi-dwarf rootstock 12-15’ - A glossy red apple with an excellent spritely flavor that improves with storage. The tree is productive, vigorous and spreading. Fruit ripens late September-early October. It is an excellent keeper and is immune to scab and resistant to fire blight, cedar apple rust and powdery mildew.


(early-mid season flowering) On M.7 semi-dwarf rootstock 12-15’ - Dark red apple, yellow flesh with excellent tart fruit quality, ripens in early August. Field immune to apple scab, highly resistant to cedar-apple rust, fire-blight and powdery mildew. A PRI selection.


On Krymsk 5, semi-standard rootstock, 15-18’ - Large fruits ripen to a deep red-purple skin and golden flesh in mid June. Fruit is firm and has good crack resistance.

Jubileum-Hybrid Sweet-Tart Cherry

On Mahaleb semi-standard rootstock, 15-18’ - Fruits are large with deep reddish purple skin and flesh. Fruit starts ripening in early June and will sweeten on the tree. Great for fresh eating, dehydrated, or for its purple juice.


On Mahaleb semi-standard rootstock, 18-20’ - An old standard pie cherry (tart) variety with bright red skin on yellow fruit and clear juice. Tree is well rounded in growth. Ripens mid-June.


On Mahaleb semi-standard rootstock, 20-23’ - A late-blooming, crack-resistant cherry, this fruit is tart with red flesh, like Jubileum, but later ripening, mid-late June.



6-7’ tall and wide (on own roots) - This is best grown as a multi-trunked shrub. The tart fruit starts ripening in early June and will sweeten (a bit) as it continues to ripen and darken throughout the month. Carmine is used for pies, juices and dehydrating. Intense deep reddish juice is high in anti-oxidants. Expect 20-30 lbs of fruit once this shrub matures. Colony forming habit.

Asian Pear

Trees need another variety of Asian or European pear (pollinizer) to ensure pollination.


On Calleryana rootstock 15-18’ - Fruits ripen to a russet-orange color in mid-August. Flavors of caramel and butterscotch intensify throughout the ripening time. Well thinned fruits will be 5-10 ounces. Tree has good resistance to fire-blight in our area.


On Betulifolia rootstock 15-18’ - "Yoinashi" is said to mean ‘Good Pear’ in Japanese. This round brown skinned fruit is crisp, juicy and aromatic. It sets a heavy crop of small to medium 5-10 oz fruits in mid to late August. Good fire-blight resistance.


On Calleryana rootstock 15-18’ - Fruit is medium to large (10-16 oz.) with a brown to golden brown russet color. Flesh is yellowish white with a good juicy, sweet flavor. Ripens in early September, 1-2 weeks after Yoinashi. Stores 3 to 4 months. Good fire-blight resistance.


On Betulifolia rootstock 15-18’ - Fruit is medium to large (12-16oz.) with a brown to golden brown russet color. Flesh is yellowish white with a good juicy, sweet flavor. Ripens in late September. Stores 3 to 4 months.

European Pear

Listed in order of ripening. Trees need another variety (pollinizer) to ensure pollination unless noted.


OHxF333 rootstock 12-15' This is the first pear variety to ripen in our area in mid-late July. 6-9 oz fruits should be harvested as they turn a light green. This variety is very precocious and tolerant of fire-blight.


Available on OHxF333 rootstock 12-15’ - Large light green fruits ripen in late August to early September. Tree is self-fertile and growth habit is very uniform.


All peaches are self-fertile.


Lovell Rootstock 15-20’ - Very early yellow flesh peach ripening from mid June to early July. Blossoms are very forst tolerant. Firm and semi-freestone fruits are small to medium sized at 4-7 ounces Bacterial spot resistant.


Citation Rootstock 10-15’ - This is the standard for Missouri peaches. The fruits ripen around July 20th and are yellow fleshed and freestone. Good resistance to Peach Leaf Curl.


Citation Rootstock 10-15’ - This hardy, late-blooming peach escapes late spring frosts. Beautiful, large freestone fruit is firm, sweet and delicious. Good for fresh use, freezing or for pies. Good resistance to bacterial spot. Ripens in late July.


Also known as Chinese Dates, Jujubes are low maintenance and high in vitamin C. Harvest by shaking from the tree. Need both varieties below to ensure pollination.


Needs pollinizer: 20-25’ tall, 12-15’ wide - The 1” long pear-shaped fruit ripens to a mahogany color in early-mid September. Fruits are crisp like an apple and sweet like sugar. Good for dehydrating or fresh eating.


Needs pollinizer: 15-20’ tall, 15-20’ wide - This is a large fruited jujube that grows in our area. The fruits are 2” round and are ripe in the light green to mottled mahogany, or full mahogany color in mid September-early October. Good for fresh eating