Ten (10) packs included free with membership.
Additional packs available for $.20 (Green Card) $1.00 (Yellow Card) $1.50 (Orange Card) $1.50 (Blue Card).
Up to 20 additional packs available for purchase.
Beanstalk Seeds (with Beanstalk Seeds logo):
$1.00 (Green Card) $2.00 (Yellow Card) $2.50 (Orange Card) $3.00 (Blue Card).
Beanstalk Seeds cannot be counted in the 10 free seed packs you receive with your KCCG membership.

165-180 Days - This is the same cotton used to make your t-shirts and jeans. Some varieties have naturally colored fibers instead of white. Grow some of your own cotton and amaze your friends. Pull fiber off seeds and plant indoors in a 4” pot by April 1st. Transplant outdoors around May 12-15. Bolls ripen and burst open in late fall. Plants grow 5-6’ tall and may need staking

Annual vine that reaches 8-10’ long. Also called Mexican gherkins, mouse melons look like tiny watermelons but taste like miniature cucumbers. Fruits are ripe when 3/4” long. Just pop one in your mouth and enjoy a crispy crunch. Can be eaten raw or used to make pickles.

110 days An earlymaturing peanut that is a good choice for shorter growing seasons. Mature peanuts are delicious freshly dug. Roast them for a delicious snack this winter. Peanuts are mature around Sept. 15 in our climate.

An ornamental plant that is a favorite with kids. Touch the leaves and watch them go to sleep. Leaves are very sensitive to any touch. Watering, wind and rain will also make them droop. In mid-summer there are soft pink flower puffs. Reseeds and volunteers freely for the next year. Start indoors if desired.

110-125 days - 5-6’ tall plant features white tubular flowers followed by an abundance of 4 valved seed capsules yielding copious amounts of edible seed.

102 days 8’ tall. Sweet sorghum is grown to make sorghum syrup. Seeds can be popped like popcorn. In the fall cut canes and suck out the sweet sap.