Ten (10) packs included free with membership.
Additional packs available for $.20 (Green Card) $1.00 (Yellow Card) $1.50 (Orange Card) $1.50 (Blue Card).
Up to 20 additional packs available for purchase.
Beanstalk Seeds (with Beanstalk Seeds logo):
$1.00 (Green Card) $2.00 (Yellow Card) $2.50 (Orange Card) $3.00 (Blue Card).
Beanstalk Seeds cannot be counted in the 10 free seed packs you receive with your KCCG membership.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Old fashioned favorite, sensation mix with large single flowers, 3-4” across in shades of lavender, pink, magenta, and white. Large plants (48-54” tall) are easy to grow. Good for cut flowers.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Upright annual with large 3-5” single blooms of rich golden yellow or mahogany red. Requires full sun. Heat and drought resistant. Plant height 2-3’. Blooms from June to September.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Hardy perennial. White flowers with golden centers on single erect stems. Prefers full sun to partial shade in fertile soil. Plant height 2-3’. Blooms in June and July.
Warm & Cool Season
Plant on April 1st- Sept 1st
Hardy biennial. Lilac-purple flowers are concentrated at the end of 2-3’ tall stalks. Sweet fragrances. Plant in well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Blooms in April and May.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
"Marvel of Peru" - Grows 15-24” tall and produces 1” white, red or yellow flowers that open in late afternoon.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
This vigorous growing tropical vine has purple flowers, beans and leaves. The flowers are the best tasting part of this plant, as they have a nice crunchy, beany flavor but the pods are not especially good tasting and the dry seeds are toxic. Vines grow very long so support is needed. Flowering begins in late July or early August going until frost. This is the signature plant of The Beanstalk Children’s Garden.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
A tall African type, better suited for cut flowers, growing about 30” tall. Large flowers are yellow, orange, and gold.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Beautiful blend of yellow, orange and scarlett colors. Sturdy, semi-dwarf plant (6” to 16”) with large double-bloom flowers 1” to 2” across. Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, around March 20-30.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Dwarf French variety, good for border plantings. Mixed colors.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
5” blooms open in the evening with a sweet fragrance. Vines grow 10- 20’ long.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Vines over 12’ long. Blooms late summer - frost. An improved blue morning glory with large luminous flowers. Vines climb up walls, fences and trellises. To aid germination either nick seed coat or soak for 36-48 hours before planting.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
A colorful, edible flower. Tolerant of poor soils and heat or cold. Big seeds are ideal for kids’ gardens. Flower heads 2.5” across.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Plants with semi-double flowers. Large bright flowers are yellow, orange and red. Whirlybird tolerates more heat than standard varieties. Flowers and leaves are edible with a pleasant peppery flavor.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
This variety is a warm blend of yellow, orange, bronze and red sunflowers that are 4-6” across. Excellent for cut flowers and bouquets. Multi-branched plants are 5-6’ tall.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Large single 8-12” blooms are produced on 7’ plants. Large edible seeds.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Produces huge heads up to 20” across that are filled with large, thin-shelled, very plump seeds that are high in protein. Plants are 8 to 12’ tall. Use seeds for snacks, bird food or chicken feed.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
Early maturing, mildew-tolerant, 24” plants produce 4-5” multicolored flowers that are good for cutting.
Warm Season
Plant on May 1st-31st
75-90 days from transplanting. Benary zinnias have large vibrant blooms that are fully double. Plants are up to 4’ tall with 4-6” stems. The flowers hold longer in the vase than standard zinnias. They are less susceptible to powdery mildew than most other zinnias. Keep flowers picked to stimulate blooming.