Back To Schoolyard Gardens

Last week students, throughout the metro returned to schools. Many of our schoolyard gardens are welcoming new and returning students to their growing spaces. Some schoolyard gardens have grown produce throughout the summer, and as students return to school they are being met with fresh tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. Other schoolyard gardens took a rest […]

Leanna Flandermeyer Beanstalk Children’s Garden Now Open!

Last week Kansas City Community Gardens’ Beanstalk Children’s Garden opened for the season.  In the first two weeks alone over 800 children have toured through the garden.  Throughout the summer and early fall, over 4,000 children, teachers and parents will visit the garden, allowing children to become inspired to make healthy food choices as they […]

With the End of the School Year, Students Celebrate #IGrewThis

It’s been a busy spring for Schoolyard Gardens!  In March, over 160 schools planted spring crops. While the first day of planting the garden is exciting and full of hope, the real joys—and sometimes frustrations—happens during the following eight weeks. Students, teachers and even our Schoolyards Gardens staff watch as our tending and hard work […]