Growing Great Garlic

Growing this pungent bulb is fairly easy when armed with the right knowledge and tools. Garlic needs cold winter temperatures in order to develop from a single clove into a bulb with multiple cloves in the spring. Ideally, garlic is planted in mid- November through mid-December while the temperatures are still cold, but the ground […]

Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening

Raised beds are becoming more and more common in personal and community gardens everywhere, and for good reason. Raised beds provide ideal growing conditions because they drain better than ground plots, they’re easy to fill with good soil, and they warm up quickly. Raised beds also create an infrastructure that promotes gardening because they provide […]

Harvesting Sweet Potatoes

Ben Sharda is KCCG’s Executive Director and he has led KCCG for more than 30 years. His practical approach to gardening has played a key role in KCCG’s success. This month, Ben offers tips on fertilizing your plants. I probably get more harvesting questions about sweet potatoes than any other crop. And, that makes sense […]

Summer Squash – Don’t Give Up!

Ben Sharda is KCCG’s Executive Director and he has led KCCG for more than 30 years. His practical approach to gardening has played a key role in KCCG’s success. This month, Ben offers tips on fertilizing your plants. Many gardeners have become increasingly frustrated with trying to grow summer squash (zucchini, patty pan, and yellow […]

Fertilizing Your Plants

Ben Sharda is KCCG’s Executive Director and he has led KCCG for more than 30 years. His practical approach to gardening has played a key role in KCCG’s success. This month, Ben offers tips on fertilizing your plants. Ben’s Tips – Fertilizing Your Plants Gardeners often come in to our office confused about what and […]

Thinning Your Garden – Ben’s Tips

Ben Sharda is KCCG’s Executive Director and he has led KCCG for more than 30 years. His practical approach to gardening has played a key role in KCCG’s success. This month, Ben offers tips on thinning your garden. Thinning Your Garden Often when we talk to gardeners about thinning, their first response is, “you mean […]