KCCG Cool Season Plants
36 days - Does not produce a large central head but instead produces many smaller heads with sweet broccoli flavor.
57 days – Early and heat resistant plants are compact and produce heads 5-6” in diameter. Great flavor and excellent side shoot production.
103 days - Dependable midseason variety. Tall, straight, erect plant with medium-large, smooth, and attractive sprouts. (hybrid)
85 days - Widely adapted mid-season cabbage with very large blue-green heads and excellent disease resistance. (hybrid)
60 days - Light green leaves form a barrel shaped head of 4-6 lbs. Slow bolting and equally good for early spring and fall crops. (hybrid)
63 days - Extra early, red compact plants, solid 2-4 lb. heads with good appearance and flavor. Relatively split resistant. (hybrid)
73 days - Deep green color wrinkled leaves, tolerant to cold, tender and sweet. (hybrid)
67 days - A very popular mid-season variety. Very solid heads average 4 lbs. More resistant to splitting. Yellow tolerant. (hybrid)
50 days - Well rounded solid white heads average 2 lbs. a piece and measure up to 7.5” across with good depth. Plants are vigorous and very uniform in size. (hybrid)
70 days - The old standard. Large plants spread 36”, cabbage-like blue-green, slightly crumpled leaves, heat and poor soil tolerant, slow to bolt.
50 days - Earliest to harvest. Tall productive plant produces medium green slightly blistered leaves. A Georgia-type hybrid with crinkled leaves.
50 days - Dark green 3” wide and 10” long leaves with a blistered surface. Excellent kale for fall production. Cross between cabbage and kale, more cold-hardy than other varieties. Best and sweetest flavor after a frost.
55 days - Similar to Winterbor but purple-red. Flavor, color, and curling are enhanced by cold weather. (hybrid)
60 days. Plants grow 2-3’ tall and have excellent cold hardiness. Large numbers of curled blue-green leaves. Plants regrow vigorously after harvesting. (hybrid)
58 days - Crisp, full-flavored and exceptionally bolt resistant. Large, ruffled, yellow-green leaves, lightly tinged with red.
57 days - Large green romaine lettuce with excellent heat tolerance.
47 days – This adaptable variety has beautiful, large dark red heads with nicely contrasting green centers. Excellent flavor and texture.