KCCG Cool Season Seeds

KCCG General Seeds:
Ten (10) packs included free with membership.
Additional packs available for $.20 (Green Card) $1.00 (Yellow Card) $1.50 (Orange Card) $1.50 (Blue Card).
Up to 20 additional packs available for purchase.

Beanstalk Seeds (with Beanstalk Seeds logo):
$1.00 (Green Card) $2.00 (Yellow Card) $2.50 (Orange Card) $3.00 (Blue Card).
Beanstalk Seeds cannot be counted in the 10 free seed packs you receive with your KCCG membership.

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Cool Season
Spring : March 15- April 15
Fall : July 20- August 10

45-70 days. 2.5-3” globe roots of blood-red color. For canning and fresh use.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

45 days. Earliest beets and greens. Large vigorous tops. Tall bright, glossy green, red-veined tops, slightly flattened red roots.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

40 - 70 days - This unique blend allows you to have dark red, bright red, golden and striped beets all from one planting.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

54 days - Early Nantes type hybrid. A short, very early carrot that has a great sweet flavor. It matures quickly making it ideal for early spring or fall gardens. Tops are shorter than other varieties.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

62-70 days. Small 10-12” tops with 6.5” x 1” bright red-orange blunt roots. Good fresh or frozen.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

60 days  - Mix of purple, yellow, white, red and orange carrots in a beautiful blend.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

65 days. Cylindrical 6” roots for heavy or shallow soils. Tops are sturdy, 15-20.” Dependable heavy yields.


Cool Season (Spring Only)
Spring: March 15- April 15

70 days. Old standard, 36” spreading plants, large, cabbage-like blue-green, slightly crumpled leaves; heat and poor soil tolerant, slow to bolt.


Cool Season (Spring Only)
Spring: March 15- April 15

50 days - Earliest to harvest. Tall productive plant produces medium green slightly blistered leaves. A Georgia-type hybrid with crinkled leaves.

Greens & Asian Greens

Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

38 days - Peppery flavored, cool-season, salad green. Early, heat tolerant, strap leaf variety. Mild flavor, best when picked young.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

45 days - This small-leaved Asian green has a long harvest period and mild taste for salads, stir-fries, etc...


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

60 days - One of the hardiest and most tender-leaved of all kales. It has frilly, purple-veined, blue-green leaves are tinged with red-purple and resemble oak leaves.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

55 days- high yielding green variety with smooth leaves and white ribs. Upright and compact growth habit.


Cool Season (Spring Only)
Spring: March 15- April 15

50 days. Uniform plant with short top and few leaves. Stems mature quickly, harvest at 2” in diameter.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

60 days. Boston type or loosehead. Larger and more heat tolerant than Bibb, slower to bolt, stands at least 2 weeks longer without bolting. Leaves are thick, crisp, and tender.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

50-60 days - A favorite of KCCG members, Canasta is a Batavian type semiheading lettuce that forms a crisp head with ruffled leaf edges. Leaves have a bronze edging. Sweet and crisp tasting, holds well into summer heat.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

30 – 60 days. This custom blend was specially chosen to celebrate KCCG's 30th Anniversary. It includes 11 great tasting premium lettuce varieties (Cimmaron, Red Salad Bowl, Salad Bowl, Oakleaf Royal, Red Sails, Buttercrunch, Tango, Ruby Red, Canasta, Four Seasons) with great diversity of color and texture.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

40 days. A red leaf lettuce that has bright red, glossy and crumbled leaves.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

45 days. A green leaf lettuce that is sweet and crisp. Ruffled leaves; slow to bolt.

Mustard Greens

Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

55 days. Bright green leaves are crumpled and heavily curled. Upright plants are slow to bolt. Strong mustard flavor.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

50 days. Early, fast-growing variety for processing, market, and home gardening. Large, upright plants 10” high, deep green, oval-shaped, smooth leaves.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

45 days. Very attractive plant with reddish leaves. Can be harvested either as a 6” plant or allowed to grow to 17”. Has a mild, mustard flavor. Sow spring through fall. Slow bolting.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

40 days. Large plants, quick growing. Leaves are oblong, thick, fairly smooth, and dark green. Mustard-spinach flavor.

Peas, Green

Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15

60-78 days. Vigorous, high yielding 24-40” tall plants with 7-9” pods. 10-12 seeds per pod. Wilt resistant, excellent as a shell bean, or as a dry bean.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15

69 days. High yields of sweet, extra-large, flat pods. Tolerant to powdery mildew, common wilt and enation mosaic.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15

64 days. Plump 2-3” long, round, slightly curved, fleshy green pods. Tall vines need support. Resistant to powdery mildew; tolerant to pea leaf roll virus.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15

60 days -  2—2 1/2’ vines. This dwarf version of sugar snap peas has sweet, edible pods that have a juicy crunchy snap when eaten. Snap peas require cool weather and a trellis for a good harvest. Can be planted in late July for a fall harvest.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

20-30 days. Round, bright cherry red with white flesh. Root is about 1” in diameter, tops about 3” at harvest time. Keeps well.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

30 days - This seed packet will produce beautiful radishes in a variety of colors (red, white, pink, purple) that are fun for kids to pick and eat. The roots grow larger than standard varieties and stay crisp and mild even when large.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

30 days. A uniform short top strain which forms 6” long roots very quickly. Flesh is white, crisp, and mild.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

30 days - Heirloom variety with large leaves that are glossy dark green and heavily savoyed. Sweet and tender with rich flavor. Slow to bolt.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

45 days - A green, like spinach in flavor, but slower to bolt in the heat. Plants can get 4-6’ tall in flower but retain tender sweetness. Highly ornamental lime green, copper, red, and purple foliage.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

85 days - Vigorous climbing vines grow through summer into fall. Glossy, thick, savoyed leaves resemble spinach. Mild swiss chard taste. Use leaves and young stems sparingly in salads or stir fries.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

25 days – Tried and true smooth leaf variety for spring, fall or overwintering. Early and high yielding plants are disease resistant and slow to bolt.

Swiss Chard

Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

28 days for baby chard, 55 days for larger leaves -  Vibrant, rainbow colored stalks are an eye-catching addition to your garden. Plants thrive throughout spring, summer and into fall providing a steady supply of greens. Swiss chard can be eaten raw but generally is steamed or sautéed. Routine cutting of larger leaves will stimulate continuous production through frost.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

60 days. A tall, vigorous strain with broad dark leaves. Stems are thick and white. Tolerates hot weather well.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

60 days. Similar to Fordhook but with ruby red stalks and veins.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

38 days – considered by many to be the best tasting turnip variety, this early maturing Japanese turnip is sweet and tender and is often eaten raw in salads. The roots are white 2” round globes with smooth skin. The greens are smooth (not hairy) and may be eaten raw or lightly cooked. (hybrid)


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

60 days. Produces round, purple topped 4” roots and abundant greens for early summer harvest.


Cool Season
Spring: March 15- April 15
Fall: July 20- August 10

45-50 days. Used only for greens as roots are tough and woody.

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