Last week I had the chance to visit The Barstow School. Students attending the Summer at Barstow had the chance to participate in the Barstow Farmer’s Market class again this year. Sarah Holmes, a 7th grade science as well as AP Science teacher, and the Director of School Gardens, leads this class during the summer.
This week, 4th-8th graders at Summer at Barstow were learning all about the garden! Students spent Monday through Friday, 9am-12pm, working in the garden. They weeded, watered, tasted and harvested all kinds of late spring vegetables and early summer veggies. They also made a few recipes, including one with roasted broccoli, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil and the secret ingredient: raisins! This recipe got a big thumbs up from the student gardeners!
One of the students, Anna, told me that she learned a lot during the week. “You have to be careful when you pull out plants so they don’t get bruised or scraped for the market.” And I couldn’t agree more with Isabelle when she said “everything from the garden tastes A LOT better than anything in the grocery store!”
Amelye had big plans to make a rhubarb strawberry tart with the brightly colored rhubarb she harvested from the garden. When I asked Bibi why she signed up for this class, she told me that she likes cooking, fresh food, and can make a good salad. Much to his surprise, the strong, fresh smell of garlic scapes and onions were a highlight for Xavier!
At the end of the week, students set up a Farmer’s Market and opened it to students, parents, and staff members. The most popular selling items were carrots, garlic scapes, and onions. Students also sold white, red and purple potatoes, rhubarb, spinach and beets. The students made $91 just on Friday morning! And to our surprise, the students donated this money to Kansas City Community Gardens for the Schoolyard Gardens program, so even more schools can have a garden! We love that (#agardenforeveryschool)! Keep up the good work Barstow, and thank you!