A lot happens in February. Many schools celebrate fun days like 100 Days of School, Valentines Day and even Mardi Gras. Many of these fun events call for class parties. These can be exciting, but can quickly bring on a lot of sugar and some unhealthy food choices. We want to help schools celebrate, as […]
Planning Out Your Schoolyard Garden Raised Beds
Now that planting season is upon us, it is time to plan out your schoolyard garden! Once your students have considered how much space they have, how much growing time they have and what they want to do with the produce, they should then decide what vegetables they would like to plant. Refer to our […]
Indoor Celery Dye Experiment for the Classroom
As the weather turns cooler, and the days become shorter, it is hard to think about growing a vegetable garden! Both the soil and gardeners need the winter months to rest and replenish before the spring season. But winter and rest time can still excite students’ minds about the wonders of growing food! Use classroom time to […]