Since schools plant their fall gardens somewhat late in the season due to the school calendar, some vegetables need a little protection from frost as winter approaches!
Keep an eye on the weather. As you notice temperatures dropping this fall, install row cover over your veggies so that they last a little bit longer. Row cover is a lightweight gauzy material that is used for frost protection, season extension and can even help keep out insects!
Row cover keeps your plants 3 to 5 degrees warmer–veggies protected by row cover are more likely to survive light frosts in the late fall and early spring. Cold-hardy plants like collards, kale and spinach can even survive the whole winter with the help of row cover and a thick layer of straw mulch. The plants will likely go dormant over the winter, but you can harvest from them and they will continue growing again in the spring.
In addition to keeping your plants nice and warm, row cover acts as a barrier to garden pests. Pesky insects won’t be able to access and eat your plants, or lay eggs in your beds. When using row cover for insect protection, be sure that the row cover has no holes where pests can sneak in!
To purchase row cover for your schoolyard garden, contact your KCCG garden coordinator today!