Girl Scout Badge 2024 Workshop Schedule

Each Session = $15.00/Girl Scout - Adults Are Free

If the dates and times below don’t work for your group, private Scout workshops are available by appointment for groups of 5 or more. Contact us to schedule your badge workshop at tours{at} or call 816.931.3877 (Ext 320).

The Beanstalk Children’s Garden is located at the following address:
KCCG Headquarters
6917 Kensington
Kansas City, MO 64132

Beanstalk Children’s Garden reserves the right to cancel workshops with low reservations with 24 hours notice.

KCCG is an ideal site for Eagle, Silver Award, Gold Award, and Conservation Award projects, as well as community service opportunities!

Daisy Outdoor Art Maker

 Outdoor Art Maker Badge
Finding Art in All Aspects of Nature

June 8th at 10am-12pm

Daisies - Use all your senses as you explore our garden, making note of all the colors you see and sounds you hear! Then, try your hand at painting a landscape of your favorite plants, creating a maraca with recycled and natural materials, and learning the basics of Leave No Trace.

Junior Gardener

Garden Design
Create Your Own Design

June 15th at 10am-12pm

Juniors - Walk through the gardens full of flowers, herbs, and veggies then get started designing your own garden. It can be a large container or your whole backyard. Learn how sunlight, water, soil, and space, as well as experience and cost are essential to good garden designs. *Badge not included.

Cadette Trees


June 15th at 10am-12pm

Cadets - Come relax in the shade of our many fruit trees. After learning all about trees and what they can provide for us, use your detective skills to identify which tree is which by their leaves. It’s harder than you’d think! Finish the day by designing your own tree house and tree garden, and by doing a tree craft with all-natural materials. *Badge not included

Junior Flowers

Flower Badge
Creating a Neighborhood Flower Guide

August 10th at 10am-12pm

Juniors- Flowers bring beauty, joy, perfume, medicine, seeds and good nutrition to our lives. Observe the many different flowers in the fruit, herb, grain, vegetable, curiosity, and water gardens. Become a flower expert making your own personal Neighborhood Flower Guide. *Badge not included.

Brownie Snack Badge

Snack Badge
Snacks From The Garden

September 14th at 10am-12pm

Brownies - Get your snacks fresh from the garden instead of the corner store. Check out the plants in the gardens for sunflower seeds, popcorn, raspberries, and mini tomatoes. Create a snack sampler and learn how to prepare a healthy garden recipe. Plan with friends what you will plant for a harvest snack party. *Badge not included.

Cadette Eating for You

Eating For You

September 14th at 10am-12pm

Cadets - Can making healthy food choices really increase your energy? Do antioxidants and proper hydration give your skin a natural glow? Is added sugar really hiding in your favorite snacks? Find out the answers to these questions and more, while learning some new recipes and tasting an easy-to-prepare healthy snack!  *Badge not included.

Brownie Bugs Badge

Bugs Badge
Observing Insect Habitats

August 17th at 10am-12pm
October 5th at 10am-12pm
October 12th at 10am-12pm

Brownie - Bugs: find out how we can’t live without them. Look for bugs in their garden habitats. Learn how to use a field guide to identify insects. Sort out “good” bugs and “bad” bugs for gardeners. Take your Bug Craft home and share your bug expertise. *Badge not included.

How To Get Your Bug Badge

If you're unable to attend a Bug Badge session, check out this tutorial: