After 4 years as the Schoolyard Gardens Preschool Coordinator, this spring my role will be changing to the K-12 garden coordinator. I am excited for the new challenge, but I will miss my time spent in the garden with my preschool friends.
However, I will always chuckle to myself when I remember the many times I would hold the downward dog pose for an uncomfortable amount of time, just so my friends across the garden could pinch the perfect amount of carrot seeds in between their small fingers.
Or when sometimes to the teacher’s distress, my friends would inform with honesty, “they hadn’t watered the garden in weeks, and that’s why our lettuce didn’t grow”.
I will always be grateful for sharing in my friend’s excitement the moment they find a bright red tomato hiding in their tomato plant.
Or, witnessing their wonder when overnight, broccoli appeared in the center of their vegetable plant.
I will always remember the feeling the pride I felt when my brave friends tried new vegetables from their gardens for the very first time.
Or, watching my friend’s opinion of worms change from “disgusting and gross” to “gardener helpers” or “not scary at all”.
While my time with my preschool gardeners has come to an end, in my next role I hope to spark play, wonder and time to learn into every gardening experience.
I will always treasure these 4 years working with my preschool friends.