This summer the Frontier School of Innovation planted peppers, tomatoes and zinnias in their garden beds. The school uses these beds for grades K-5 to garden and experience growing their own snacks and beautiful flowers.
The garden is located near the playground, so students are able to take time to appreciate the growth of their vegetables each day as they play!
KCCG visited to help students harvest their spring vegetables. We pulled radishes, chomped arugula and enjoyed a summertime favorite snack, snap peas. The students used their muscles to pull the radishes and helped sort them to prepare for a classroom snack later that day.
Once the beds were cleared, the energy shifted to planting the new seedlings. The younger student gardeners spread zinnia seeds and covered them up to rest while other students planted peppers and tomatoes.
After planting, the students took turns sharing their “I love yous” with the plants, tucking them in with straw mulch and watering them. FSI has a wonderful coordinator that uses the space to encourage students to care for the nature around them. We can’t wait to see how they grow in the upcoming fall season and beyond!