Spring is upon us and that means it's time for our first sale of the year - the Cool Season Plant Sale!
This is your guide to everything you need to know about this year's sale.
This year's sale will begin on March 21st for GREEN & YELLOW CARD MEMBERS only. We will serve all members on March 22nd. We will be open both days at 9am and will be closing an hour earlier than usual at 4pm to allow staff to restock for the next day.
We will also be open on Saturday, March 23rd from 9am-12pm. This marks the first Saturday we will be open and we'll continue to be open on Saturdays until May 4th.
We will host a satellite sale at the Jersey Creek Community Garden (11th Street & Parallel Parkway) in KCK on Monday, March 25th from 5-6 pm.
Can't make it out on the first days of the sale? Don't worry, we'll have plenty of plants available at our office in the weeks following the sale. We're open from 10am to 5pm on Mondays and 9am-5pm Tuesdays through Fridays, with extended hours on Tuesday evenings until 6:30 pm through May 21st.
If you placed a fruit tree order, it must be picked up during one of these times:
- Thursday March 21 @ 9am-4pm
- Friday March 22 @ 9am-4pm
- Saturday March 23 @ 9am-12pm
If you cannot pick up your order during these times, please see if a family member or friend can pick it up for you. We have limited space in our cooler and limited staff to help with these orders after March 23rd. If your order is not picked up by April 6th, then your warranty is voided. See attached pdf for more information.
These dates correspond with the spring plant sale, Green and Yellow card holders 3/21, Orange and Blue 3/22. If you are planning to come to the plant sale we can pull your tree order at the same time. If you are a Orange and Blue, you can still pick up your trees Thursday, but will have to wait and purchase our cool season crops on Friday.
In order to buy plants and seeds from KCCG, the first step is to sign up or renew your membership. This can be done online by clicking here or in person.
If you're coming to KCCG for the first time this spring, please start by coming inside to our membership station, where you can renew in person or make a quick stop to pick up your card if you renewed in advance online.
Once you sign up, you are eligible for 10 free packs of seeds, a free bag of fertilizer, and the best prices in town on plants and supplies! See the map below for locations to sign up for memberships and shop for seeds.
The cool season plant sale includes strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale and lettuce.
To view the varieties for the vegetable transplants, click here.
To view the fruit plant varieties, click here.
KCCG will also have seed packs, seed potatoes, onion sets, onion plants, leeks, and asparagus available to members.
To see our full line of seeds, click here.
For more information on potatoes, onions, leeks, shallots, and asparagus, click here.
We will also have straw available in the main parking lot. Let the cashier know how many bales you'd like upon checking-out and then drive your car into the lot to load the bales.
We have a limited amount of boxes to carry plants but if you have your own, please bring one with you to the sale.
Below are plant, seed, and supply limits:
- Vegetable plants come in three pack and limits for these are 48 (16 three-packs).
- Strawberry plants come in bundles of 10 and limit is 10 bundles.
- Blackberry & raspberry plants are sold individually and limit is 10 plants of each.
- Asparagus comes in bundles of 5 and limit is 5 bundles.
- Seed potatoes are sold by the pound and limit is 10 pounds total.
- Onion plants are sold in bundles of 60 and limit is 3 bundles.
- Onion sets are sold by the pound. Limit 2 pounds.
- Shallots are sold in bundles of 25 and limit is 2 bundles.
- Leeks are sold in bundles of 25 and limit is 2 bundles
- Straw limit is 2 bales.
- Compost limit is 4 bags.
- Fertilizer limit is free membership bag + 1 additional 5 lb. bucket or 3 additional bags.
Note: We are often able to lift plant and supply limits a few weeks after the sale. Check back in April if you’re looking for more!
Vegetable Transplants (per 3-pack): Green Card = $0.50, Yellow Card = $1.00, Orange Card = $2.00, Blue Card = $3.00 .
Strawberry Plants (per bundle 10): Green Card = $2.50, Yellow Card = $3.50, Orange Card = $4.50, Blue Card = $5.00
Asparagus (per bundle of 5): Green Card = $3.00, Yellow Card = $4.00, Orange Card = $5.00, Blue Card = $6.00
Blackberry Plants: Green Card = $3.50/each, Yellow Card = $4.00/each, Orange Card = $4.50/each, Blue Card = $5.00/each
Raspberry Plants: Green Card = $2.50/each, Yellow Card = $3.00/each, Orange Card = $4.50/each, Blue Card = $3.50/each
Onion Sets (per pound): Green Card = $1.00, Yellow Card = $1.25, Orange Card = $1.50, Blue Card = $1.75
Onion Plants (per bundle of 60): Green Card = $3.00, Yellow Card = $4.00, Orange Card = $5.00, Blue Card = $6.00
Seed Potatoes (per 5 lb bag): Green Card = $3.00, Yellow Card = $4.00, Orange Card = $5.00, Blue Card = $6.00
Purple Majesty Seed Potatoes (per 5 lb bag): Green Card = $5.00, Yellow Card = $6.25, Orange Card = $7.50, Blue Card = $8.75
Leeks (per bundle of 25): Green Card = $2.50, Yellow Card = $3.00, Orange Card = $3.50, Blue Card = $4.00
Shallots (per bundle of 25): Green Card = $2.50, Yellow Card = $3.00, Orange Card = $3.50, Blue Card = $4.00
Straw (per each bundle): Green Card = $6.00, Yellow Card = $7.00, Orange and Blue Cards = $8.00
Compost Bags: Green Card = $4.00, Yellow Card = $5.00, Orange and Blue Cards = $6.00
Additional Bag of Chicken Manure: Green Card = $2.50, Yellow Card = $5.00, Orange and Blue Cards = $7.00
Additional 5 Gallon Bucket of Chicken Manure: Green Card = $7.50, Yellow Card = $10.00, Orange and Blue Cards = $17.50
Parking in the main lot is reserved for those that need accessible parking. If you do not need accessible parking, please park along Kensington Avenue.
Below is a map for parking and locations to sign up for memberships, get seeds and plants, and to check out.