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Grandview High School Garden Design Contest

Andie Conn, Youth Gardens Assistant – Americorps, contributed to this article. On January 31st, the Beanstalk Garden staff took a trip to Grandview High School for a two day garden design project-based learning experience.  The Health and Nutrition instructor, Cassie Dolinar, invited the Beanstalk staff to lead a discussion on nutrition, garden design, and gardening career […]

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Grandview High School Welcomes Beanstalk Garden Staff To Help Design Garden

Nikki Schaper, KCCG’s Beanstalk Garden Assistant, contributed to this article. Grandview High School and KCCG have developed a unique relationship over the past year. It started with a field trip last spring when Grandview’s Health and Nutrition teacher, Cassie Dolinar, brought her class to the Beanstalk Garden to tour the garden and sample some fresh […]


Winter Activities

Last Friday the famous groundhog, Mr. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so unfortunately for us we have 6 more weeks of winter ahead of us.   In the meantime, get your students excited for the spring with any one of these 3 garden art projects. Garden Markers:  Decide with your class what to plant this spring. […]


KCCG Volunteer Spotlight – Roger Shelton Harvests & Donates 16,838 Green Beans

KCCG would not be nearly as successful or productive without the help of volunteers. In 2017,  386 volunteers put in 2387 hours this year, which helped KCCG save approximately $19,000 – $23,000 in labor costs. One of these volunteers is Roger Shelton, who does more than just volunteer. Shelton, an avid gardener, also donates his […]

Grandview High School Students Seek Healthy Alternatives

Last May and September, Grandview High School health students visited the Beanstalk Children’s Garden to learn more about the nutritional benefits of growing a garden. They were so inspired by their visit that they decided to explore healthy alternatives for food at their own school. Ms. Dolinar, health teacher at Grandview High School, invited the […]

Grace At Work – Volunteers Build Memorial Garden

The Country Club Christian Church holds a semi-annual all-church volunteer day called “Grace at Work” (GAW) and at a recent GAW day, volunteers helped construct a community garden at Grace United Community Ministries to honor the late Reverend Sharon Garfield, who passed away in 2014 from ovarian cancer. From the GUCM website: “Reverend Sharon Garfield, was the founding Executive […]

Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening

Raised beds are becoming more and more common in personal and community gardens everywhere, and for good reason. Raised beds provide ideal growing conditions because they drain better than ground plots, they’re easy to fill with good soil, and they warm up quickly. Raised beds also create an infrastructure that promotes gardening because they provide […]