
Kale Yeah

Vegetable: Kale SYG Varieties: Redbor, Winterbor Planting Instructions: Leave 10-12 inches between each plant 4×12 beds (K-12) fit 24 plants in a full bed (3 across & 8 down) 3×9 beds (preschool) fit 10 plants in a full bed (2 across & 5 down) Plant to Harvest Time Frame: 7 weeks Plant: mid-March to early […]


Schoolyard Gardens Spotlight: Troost Elementary LINC

I arrived to Troost Elementary LINC to plant fall veggies on an especially humid August afternoon, and was greeted by students who were ready to garden…In their pajamas (for school spirit week, of course!). My initial weeks of AmeriCorps service were filled with many firsts but until arriving at Troost Elementary, I would have never […]

loopers feature

What’s Eating My Plants?

Have you noticed holes in the leaves of your broccoli, cabbage, kale, and/or collard plants? Are you wondering what could be eating your veggies? The culprits are likely caterpillars! These caterpillars, also known as loopers, are big fans of vegetables in the brassica family (that includes your broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower) […]

Using Row Cover in Your Schoolyard Garden: Protect Your Veggies from Dropping Temperatures!

Since schools plant their fall gardens somewhat late in the season due to the school calendar, some vegetables need a little protection from frost as winter approaches! Keep an eye on the weather. As you notice temperatures dropping this fall, install row cover over your veggies so that they last a little bit longer. Row […]