
Visit the Beanstalk Garden!

We interrupt the regularly programmed schoolyard garden updates to highlight Kansas City Community Garden’s Beanstalk Children’s Garden!  Does your school already have a garden? Are you thinking about a garden? Do your students just like being outside or experiencing new things? If you answered yes to any of these questions then keep reading! The Beanstalk […]


Spotlight: Upper Room (Holy Cross Catholic School)

Each summer churches, community centers and schools throughout the metro host Upper Room summer programs. The Upper Room envisions healthy and vibrant urban core neighborhoods. Their mission is to “Transform and revitalize urban core neighborhoods by offering and supporting quality programs, including education, comprehensive health care, jobs, and community and economic development.” The Upper Room […]


Tasty Spring Garden Salad

The end of the school year is approaching and summer is sneaking into Kansas City with temperatures hitting 90 degrees yesterday! Out at our Schoolyard Gardens it is time to harvest spring greens and make room for summer plants. Schools can expect to harvest their lettuces, spinach, arugula, green onions, radishes, mustard greens and cilantro […]


Spring Planting Tips

It is finally spring planting time in Kansas City! We are so excited to get outside and begin digging in the soil, and planting seeds and transplants with students all over the city. Sometimes schoolyard gardeners have a lot of questions about best gardening practices. At first, all of your questions could make gardening a […]