Our schools have been on our minds a lot lately as everyone works to adapt and cope with the impact of COVID-19. We can only begin to imagine the tremendous impact that this pandemic is causing you as educators, parents, and community leaders and we are grateful for all you are doing right now.
As you and your students shift to a new way of learning, the SYG team would like to play a small part in assisting you in your efforts. For the next several weeks, we will be taking a break from our Vegetable Spotlight blog series and will instead be posting garden related lesson plans that can be taught to students through however your district or school has decided to continue education.
Since we serve a wide range of age groups at our schools, we will not be noting a specific target age for each lesson, but instead have decided to try and make each with a range of learners in mind. While some lessons, in their current form, may be more appropriate for a specific group, our intention is to keep them flexible so that teachers can scale them up or down to accommodate the learning level they’re working with.
Our goal is to eventually put these lessons on our website, but for now, as we are occupied packing orders and getting schools set up to plant their gardens independently, they will live here in our blog.
We are wishing you all well in this season and please reach out to your SYG coordinator with any questions.
As a reminder, if you have placed a Schoolyard Gardens order this Spring, please check your email for details and fill out the google form noting options for picking up or canceling your Spring order. Please also remember that schools can still purchase KCCG seeds online through our Beanstalk Seeds website. KCCG will then mail these seeds to you.
Our first lesson,”Which Parts of a Vegetable Plant Do we Eat” teaches the different parts of a plant. It covers what purpose the part serves while the plant is growing and since we’re talking vegetables here, which part of each plant we consume.
Additional Resources:
- YouTube version of the book “Stone Soup.”
- SYG Harvest Party Recipes that can be used in lieu of a vegetable recipe found in a cookbook
- A vegetable soup recipe from the blog Cookie and Kate