Digging Deeper

Planting Planning Workshop

Want a refresher on best watering practices or how to keep weeds out? Not sure what plants and seeds to order? Need some ideas for engaging garden activities for your students? Then this is the workshop for you! SYG coordinators are encouraged to attend this  workshop to get planning and planting advice for their schoolyard gardens. We will help map out your garden beds and have time for you to brainstorm with other teachers on ways to connect your garden to your bigger goals. Offered in the spring and fall.

Digging Deeper Workshop

Whether your school hopes to add fresh produce to the cafeteria, integrate the garden into the classroom or involve neighborhood families, this training will help you achieve your school’s overarching goals. Offered in the spring only.

Seasonal Volunteer Workshop

This workshop goes over the basics of schoolyard gardening in Kansas City. We will share all you need to know to volunteer at a garden and we will match you to a school! There will be time to learn about different garden games and activities as well as learn the basics of watering, weeding and harvesting with students at schoolyard gardens. Offered in the spring and fall. Read more here: (link to volunteer contract position)

All workshop trainings have been approved through KDHE (Kansas Department of Health and Environment) and DHSS (MO Department of Health and Senior Services) for continued education clock hours for KS and MO educators.

Spring Planting Plan

Summer Planting Plan

Fall Planting Plan

4x8 All Seasons Plan

Garden Signage

Fast and Slow Crops

SYG Crop Descriptions

How To Build A Raised Bed

SYG Crop Varieties

6 Most Popular Spring Vegetables

Composting In Your Schoolyard Garden

What To Compost

Closing Down The Garden

The Vegetable and Fruit Rainbow

Harvest Party Activities

Garlic Planting Tips

Veggies On Board!

Eversweet Strawberry Guide

Fruit Info Sheet

Growing Sweet Potatoes

SYG Supply Guide

Taste Test Eval

How to Clean Out a Weedy Garden

Pre-Made Planting Plans
K-12 Spring (4 beds)
K-12 Spring (2 beds – option A)
K-12 Spring (2 beds – option B)
PreK Spring (4 beds)
PreK Spring (2 beds- option A)
PreK Spring (2 beds- option B)
K-12 Summer (4 beds)
K-12 Summer (2 beds)
PreK Summer (4 beds)
PreK Summer (2 beds)
K-12 Fall (4 beds)
K-12 Fall (2 beds – option A)
K-12 Fall (2 beds – option B)
PreK Fall (4 beds)
PreK Fall (2 beds- option A)
PreK Fall (2 beds- option B)