We are excited to share that we now have garden signage available for schools! As more and more families and classrooms are getting involved and visiting the garden independently, we saw a need for garden signage that will teach and empower kids and adults alike to know what’s growing in the beds. The signs each […]
Zinnias: How to Plant, Maintain and Harvest
Looking for the perfect flower that will add beautiful color to your garden during the hot, sweltering summer months? Look no further and plant zinnias! Along with the daisy and sunflower, zinnias belong to the Asteraceae family. This easy to grow flower will not only stand up to the heat and attract pollinators in your […]
Planning Out Your Fall Garden
It’s that time of year again. Fall gardening season is upon us! Remember ‘fall’ gardening = Planting in August to early September and harvesting in September to usually about late October. In KC, we need to plant our ‘fall’ gardens at this time to give cool season crops a chance to do their thing before […]
Back to School Fall Gardening
The tomatoes and peppers in my garden are ripening quickly these days which is always a sign to me that the back to school season is upon us! Today’s post will discuss steps to take to get your school garden ‘back to school ready.’ First, it’s time to renew your enrollment form. You should have […]
Spotlight: Mill Creek Natureplay Preschool
This week’s spotlight features Mill Creek Natureplay Preschool. This location has been a member of the Schoolyard Gardens program for a little over a year, but had gardened independently prior to joining. Over the past year, they’ve battled construction work on their playground making their gardens inaccessible, and like many sites, had to shutdown their […]
Spotlight: Kellybrook Elementary
This week’s school spotlight is Kellybrook Elementary in North Kansas City. It’s been fun watching the gardens at Kellybrook grow over the years, from just a few raised beds, to a wonderfully designed outdoor classroom space. School secretary, Karen Lambing, leads the garden projects with the help of her husband. She asks students what they […]
Spotlight: Girls on the Run KC
One thing I love about gardening is that it is such a natural and beautiful way to create community. The garden at Elm Grove Elementary did just that when a group of students decided to come together to harvest and get the school garden ready for its next season of planting. Today’s spotlight post comes […]
Spotlight: Educare Kansas City
Our Spotlight School this week is Educare Kansas City. Over the past few seasons, the Educare garden has really become part of the school’s culture as students, teachers and other staff members all work so hard to make sure their garden thrives. Take a look below to see what they had to say! Educare Kansas […]
Spotlight: Hogan Prep Middle School
One thing I love about our SYG program is that we get to connect with schools and support their vision of a successful SYG. Each of our 200+ schools then end up having their own unique mission and vision for their garden. As a way to celebrate the variety of our schools, our new summer […]
End of the School Year Reflection (& Survey!)
This year I’ve been wildly impressed with and grateful for the dedication of our school garden coordinators. Despite pandemic times, we had 131 schools plant a garden during the 2020-2021 school year. Those gardens were planted abundantly with 10,836 plants and 1,986 packs of seeds at schools throughout Kansas City. We also packed and distributed […]